Est. License MM33066

Micropoint Stimulators

Pain Relief and Scar Release Therapy:

MPS Therapy is the application of the Dolphin Neurostim to therapeutically integrative protocols. MPS applies brief, concentrated DC microcurrent impulses to specific treatment points to relax muscles, calm the nervous system and release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers.  MPS is applied to pathology influencing all three systems — nervous, muscular and endocrine — making MPS therapy effective for treating many chronic and acute soft-tissue pain conditions.

The key to the treatment of almost all chronic pain syndromes in patients is the deregulation (or calming) of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the release of physical/mental blockages, which seem to keep the ANS in “high” drive. Upregulation of the ANS (also called hypersensitivity), may be caused by nerve root entrapment (radiculopathy), misalignment of the spine or mandible, emotional stress such as anxiety/depression or scars that energetically influence the ANS.

Scars can be the culprit to many pain syndromes and diseases. Scars can also occur as a result of broken bones, sprained joints, torn muscles, inflammation, or any areas of the body (and as a result, the mind) that has been injured through trauma; both physical and emotional. Scars, including abdominal surgical scars, have a significantly negative influence on the body.  They can restrict metabolism, pull on fascia, the skeletal system and internal organs, and negatively influence the body in other ways.

Scar Release Therapy is a safe, clinically tested and proven solution to chronic pain and suffering. It is simple, painless and highly effective in reducing the negative influences of scars. SRT uses the latest scientific advances to address both chronic pain and dermal scarring that occurs post-trauma or surgery. It applies Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS), which is a patented solution that is based on the scientific concept of increasing the skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis, and healing to re-awaken its ability to regenerate.

By targeting direct cellular stimulation of microcurrent waves through the scars, this simple procedure works by releasing the tense scar contracture which in turn reduces dermal trauma, adhesions, and fascial restrictions.

  • Scars block circulation and energetic flows through the meridian system, producing energy and circulation stagnations in extremities, especially lower extremities.
  • Scars upregulate the sympathetic nervous system, produces stress, decreases heart rate variability, or (“HRV)” and affects vagal tone.
  • Scars injure Fascia, causing “kinks” that ripple throughout the body causing body-wide structural imbalances and chronic pain.
  • Scars negatively influence hormones by activating sympathetic stress, which elevate cortisol & suppress sex-hormones.

The Fascial-Stress Theory: An Approach to Scar Reduction in Massage (

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1308 Dunmire St.
Pensacola, Florida 32504


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