Hard work, dedication, balance and sometimes fate lead to rewarding careers

Whether you’re the COO of a health care system or the manager of a fast-food eatery, being in business ay is challenging. Pensacola has a large percentage of women-owned businesses, though all different.  While the dynamics may separate each from the other. the similarities are more noticeable.

Mothers trying to balance home and work, employee concerns, economic situations and social interaction.


You may recognize Barbara Bruni from her eight years of TV exposure on WUWF, regularly educating the viewer on the benefits of Pilates. She is also an adjunct professor teaching the same subject and hoping to “intern future Pilates enthusiasts.”

Bruni began her love of the activity in 1999, when she took a class in New Orleans. From that time, her dream was to own her own studio, which soon became a reality. She kept her overhead down, focused on clients and didn’t get bogged down in the stresses of running a small business.

“Pilates is all about balanced bodies, which also so s over into balancing our life. When our lives get out of balance, we get stressed, and that is when sickness and accidents occur,” she said.

Bruni’s business has grown to the point that she offers approximately 30 classes a week, as well as per­sonal training by educated trainers.

Bruni believes that no matter what the economic times, opportunities will disguise themselves as problems. With this philosophy, she has created a business that has met those opportunities head on.

“And as with the body, you have to know your strengths, yet have the flexibility to change when needed,” she said. “My enthusiasm has rubbed off on my family in that they are participants in my business and in my work in the community.”

For Bruni, seeking balance, not only on a piece of equipment, but in life as well, is what it’s all about, and she has accomplished that successfully. You won’t catch her falling off.